Unique plants of the week: a shade lover and a tasty tea herb

on July 6, 2017

Two unique perennials:

Heuchera – low-maintenance, evergreen perennial that will add colour to a shady spot.
Monarda ‘Petite Delight’ – a herbaceous perennial as well as a tasty tea herb.

Heuchera – a perennial in a rainbow of coulours

Heuchera 'Spellbound' Heuchera 'Bella Notte' Heuchera 'Paprika' Heuchera 'Fire Chief' Heuchera 'Delta Dawn' Heuchera 'Lime Marmalade'

Find the perfect Heuchera variety in your favourite colour at Selections Nursery. The varieties shown are ‘Spellbound’, ‘Bella Notte’, ‘Paprika’, ‘Fire Chief’, ‘Delta Dawn’ and ‘Lime Marmalade’. These perennials are low maintenance, evergreen and are perfect for adding colour to a dry shade area.

Varieties shown range from 8-10” H and 9-24” W.
Full to part shade.
Dry to average moisture soil.
Evergreen and long flowering period.

Combines well with: Hosta ‘Blue Mouse Ears’ or Lonicera nitida ‘Baggensen’s Gold’.

Monarda ‘Petite Delight’

Monarda ‘Petite Delight’

This dwarf Bee Balm variety is beautiful with its pink feathery flowers and glossy green leaves. It holds a fabulous presence in the perennial border as well as being a tasty tea herb. Try steeping a few leaves for 2 minutes in hot water for a sweet immune system boost. Monarda ‘Petite Delight’ is also attractive to bees, butterflies and hummingbirds.

Herbaceous perennial blooming from June – Sept, 10” H x 18” W.
Full to part sun.
Average moisture soil, resistant to powdery mildew.

Combines well with: Carex ‘Blue Zinger’ or Deschampsia cespitosa ‘Goldtau’.

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Unique plants for year-round interest

on June 23, 2017

Unique plants for year-round interest

Landscape designers take care to select plants that will provide texture, colour, contrast and beauty throughout the year.

This week’s feature plants provide that year-round interest by long flowering seasons or foliage that changes colour.

Phygelius x rectus ‘Salmon Leap’

Phygelius x rectus ‘Salmon Leap’

This semi-evergreen variety of cape fuchsia has a long flowering season and will bloom from June to September. This plant is great source of nectar for Hummingbirds. The large flower panicles add a unique and spectacular salmon-orange colour not commonly found in other perennials.

Specs: 2’ Tall & Wide, full to part sun (will flower more in full sun), average moisture soil. May be pruned to the ground in early Spring.

Combines well with: Physocarpus ‘Center Glow’ and Lonicera x heckrottii ‘Goldflame’, all available at Selections Nursery.

Berberis thunbergii ‘Rose Glow’

Berberis thunbergii ‘Rose Glow’

This shrub is amazing not only for its year-round interest but also for its drought tolerance. In spring you will observe the new growth change colour from orange to mottled white and pink; eventually maturing to a deep burgundy purple. The fire-coloured fall leaves and shiny red winter berries contribute to its spectacular display.

Specs: Semi-evergreen, max. 5’ Tall & Wide, full to part sun, average to dry well-drained soil. 

Combines well with: Perovskia atriplicifolia ‘Little Spire’ and Stipa gigantea, also available at Selections Nursery

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Fresh & Bright Plants at Selections Nursery

on June 6, 2017

Fresh & Bright Plants at Selections Nursery

Now in bloom and ready to be included in your landscape design projects.

This week’s feature plants:  Malva sylvestris ‘Zebrina’ & Weigela florida ‘Rubidor’ 

Malva sylvestris ‘Zebrina’

Malva sylvestris 'Zebrina'
Malva sylvestris ‘Zebrina’

Malva sylvestris ‘Zebrina’ 

This beautiful perennial features stunning, paintbrush-streaked flowers that keep blooming from May until September. It is perfect for the well-watered cottage garden. This Malva may self-seed, bringing exciting new and different flowers for next season.

Specs: 2-3’ tall & 2’ wide, full to part sun, average or frequently moist soil.

Combines well with: Delphinium chinensis ‘Diamonds Blue’ or Lilium ‘Casa Blanca’

Weigela florida ‘Rubidor’

Weigela florida 'Rubidor'2
Weigela florida ‘Rubidor’

Weigela florida ‘Rubidor’ 

This shrub adds a bright pop of electric colour to the garden, with many blooms that last for months. It also attracts hummingbirds and buzzing bees, adding to the overall interest and ecological benefits of your garden.

Specs: Max. 6’ tall & wide, full to part sun, average moisture well-drained soil.

Combines well with: Escallonia ‘Newport Dwarf’, Hemerocallis ‘Strawberry Candy’

Contact us with any questions or specific plant requests.


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