In our continued effort to serve our customers in a safe and healthy manner, we continue to make adjustments to our processes and will keep all informed of changes as they happen.
Here’s what we are doing to keep the Selections Nursery team and customers safe & healthy:
Contactless Payments and Product Pick up:
Process credit cards over the phone or at the counter (please remain 6’ from sales person).
Provide email for copy of receipt.
Wait in truck to be loaded.
Sanitization at point of sale:
March 24 update:
We sanitize our sales area by disinfecting the POS terminal, pens, and door handles after each customer’s visit.
Social Distancing:
If you arrive at Selections Nursery and there is a customer in the office, please practice social distancing, by waiting outside, allowing at least 6′ (2m) for them to exit.
We appreciate all customers following these guidelines.
During this unprecedented time, we want to continue to inform our customers of our ever-changing response to the health crisis as it develops.
To build on the update we shared on March 18, please understand we continue to sanitize our sales area by disinfecting the POS terminal, pens, and door handles after each customer’s visit.
If you arrive at Selections Nursery and there is a customer in the office, please practice social distancing, by waiting outside, allowing at least 6′ (2m) for them to exit.
Currently, our nursery and bulk yard will remain open, pending further developments. As this is a fast-changing situation we will update our customers when and if a closure is necessary. We are sensitive to doing our best to not further spread this virus and ask that our customers consider the same sensitivity – if you are not feeling well please stay at home.
We are taking necessary pre-cautions in our office space to sanitize our point of sale machine after each use and as we are all doing right now, practicing frequent hand washing.
With the disruptions at the border, we experienced higher truck traffic along 176th Street yesterday, March 17th. Although today, March 18th, the trucks have not been an issue.
As usual we are working with BC Highways to help maintain access to the nursery, however we appreciate your patience with any issues in this regard.
We’re also working with our suppliers to maintain stock levels of plants, stone and bulk products. As their operations are affected, our lead times may be impacted as well.
Thanks again for your patience and continued support.
Many plants and trees lose their leaves, colour and general attractive traits in the fall and winter. This is not the case for all, here are 5 fall & winter interest plants that will provide colour, texture and unique design elements through the dark and colder months.
1. Nerine bowdenii
Nerine bowdenii
Nerine bowdenii is a flowering plant in the Amarylidaceae family. Common names are: Cornish lily, Cape flower, Guernesy lily and Bowden lily. Blooms in late summer & through fall, blooms best when bulbs are not crowded.
Commonly known as autumn or fall crocus, meadow saffron or naked ladies, termed this due to the flowers breaking ground long before the leaves. Despite its beauty, this plant is toxic, especially for cats, if the fruit or leaves are ingested. As some of the common names suggest, blooms appear in autumn.
Perfect ground cover choice for edging a path or forming a border along a sunny stretch. This is a very versatile plant that will do well in a variety of situations: mass planted on a slope, works as part of a green roof, ground cover in sunny areas, excellent choice for containers. The bulk of the plant is low, compact mound of fleshy, non-fading leaves, blueish in colour. Flowers appear late summer, and early fall and are bright pink.
Commonly known as grassy-leaved sweet flag, this perennial grass is colourful and fragrant. Acorus ‘Oborzuki’ tolerates wet soil and can be used in a water or rain garden, including standing water 3-4″ deep. This stunning grass can tolerate full sun or part shade and is an appropriate choice for foliage accent.
Easy plant to care for that yields large, bright colourful flowers with great texture and form. Echinacea ‘Cheyenne Spirit’ will attract butterflies and hummingbirds, blooming through mid and late summer into early fall.
Petals of flowers range in colour from deep pinks to orange, red or purple as well as yellow and white. Excellent for cutting, mass planting or growing in mixed containers.
This is only 5 of MANY of our favourite fall & winter interest plants. Follow along on social and we will be sharing more interesting and unique plants and trees to suggest as additions to your client’s spaces to add colour, texture and accents through the fall and winter.
National Tree Day is the Wednesday of National Forest Week each year, this year it is Wednesday, September 25th. It is a day to celebrate trees and the many benefits they bring to our planet and immediately surrounding environments.
Cities coast to coast will be celebrating #NationalTreeDay with local events and tree plantings, here’s a couple taking place in Metro Vancouver :
National Forest Week invites all Canadians to learn about forests and raise awareness about this valuable and renewable resource. This national awareness week originated in 1920 as Forest Fire Prevention Week, to increase awareness towards Canada’s forests. At the time, while trees were not in short supply, forest fires posed the greatest threat and were generally started by humans. In 1967 the week was renamed National Forest Week and has evolved to generate awareness around all aspects of forests and trees.
Each year National Forest Week choses a theme related to trees and forests – this year’s theme is ‘Canada’s Forests: Diverse Outdoor Classrooms’.
The Canadian Institute of Forestry (CIF) lists some great ways you can participate in celebrating National Tree Day:
Take a walk in the woods, and get to know your local forest
As many people know, trees clean the air that we breath every single day. Some are tall and majestic, others are shorter and delicate with flowers – but all are beneficial to our environment in a multitude of ways. Learn more about what trees do for our environment from Tree Canada.